Filipinos to hunt much bigger crocodile in Agusan

Giant CrocodilePHILIPPINES – Giant crocodile did not only captivate the attention of Filipinos but as well as the world, in fact, it had become one of the trending issues and topics on Yahoo!

The captured giant crocodile might have given relief to the people residing in the area however, it was further believed that a much bigger crocodile that might be the partner of the male giant croc exists.

Considered to be the largest and biggest saltwater crocodile that was captured alive in on record so far, with a three (3) foot advantage to the current 18 foot male Australian crocodile holding the record,  the 21 foot croc turned out to be an (–foul word(s) removed–)et after it had served as treat to the settlers. As it was captured three-weeks after the m(–foul word(s) removed–)ive hunting process involving at least 30 people, finally the giant crocodile was put to his new home equipped with strong steel fence wherein he could freely roam around without threatening others.

The said crocodile was being pointed out to have eaten the missing farmer way back on July and also the killing of a 12 year old two years ago based on the report published on

The crocodile was captured in the town of  Bunawan at the Magsangsang creek, Agusan.

As part of the preventive measure to avoid driving the giant crocodile into stress that might drive him into untoward behavior, public viewing at the pen where he is being put was suspended for the mean time.

Local government authorities in the said town were looking forward of creating a park that would house the species captured in the place. In such a way, they could convert those being considered to be threats as a star that would not only draw attention from the crowd but would also served as the medium of making those animals as an (–foul word(s) removed–)et.

In relation to the possibility of the existence of another bigger crocodile in the place, villagers with authorities are looking forward of conducting hunting activity to search the area.

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